Custom Peptide Price Estimation

At ChemPep, we offer very competitive prices of custom peptides with the highest quality. To estimate the cost of your peptide, please use the following table.


Custom Peptide Price Estimation

(US Dollar per residue)

5 mg
10 mg
15 mg
20 mg
25 mg
30 mg
40 mg
50 mg
100 mg



• The minimum charge per peptide is $200.00.

• Price includes Certificate of Analysis, HPLC and MS reports.

• There are no other hidden charges.

• Please contact us for a quotation on:


* large scale synthesis (up to kg).
* peptides with unusual or difficult sequences.


• Significant discount will be offered for large scale peptide synthesis.
• The turnaround time for regular peptide synthesis is about 3-4 weeks.



• Please complete the Online Quotation Form for the peptide you would like to purchase. We will give you a price quote as soon as possible after reviewing the structure of the peptide.

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